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I am writing this on Oct 18 as it has been that long since I have done anything on the blog. My last entry was May 7 so I have a lot of catching up to do and quite a story to tell. I was so close to completion for the final inspection that I concentrated on the work rather than the blog so I am going to post a lot of pictures over the last five months with very little commentary. On May 27 I had the final inspection done and successfully received the Special Certificate of Airworthiness which meant I could now go flying. The accumulation of parts of the last eight years was now an aircraft. It is by no means finished but it should fly. I had been running the engine up over the past couple of weeks and it was getting harder to start and the plugs were fouling. I could not seem to get it to run smooth. I sent the fuel servo and fuel distribution out for service and a problem was found in the distributor. The day after I received the certificate I was conducting high speed taxi testing by going as fast as possible up and down the runway. I was concentrating on how the engine was running and not on how the brakes were heating up. On the fourth trip down the runway the brake simple gave up and I exited the runway at about 30 knots. There was a small grassy knoll which unfortunately is what my propeller hit and cracked. When I climbed out of the plane the brakes were on fire so out came the fire extinguisher to take care of that problem. It was a really BAD BAD day. The next few pictures are of what remained of the prop and brakes.

10/18/2019   Picture 1118

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