I have decided to carry on working on the aircraft and worry about the priming later. I feel very frustrated but I am sure this will not be the last time I feel that way. Like Andy would say �EDUCATION AND RECREATION�. I started to read the flowchart in the manual to see where I had left off and what I should start on next. My choices were elevator installation to the canard, or finish the canard reinforcements. I went with the reinforcements. Well Murphy is still alive and well in my hangar. After struggling to get the canard in place I find that the new coats of Alphapoxy, Smooth Prime and Primer have made the canard much thicker and the bolt holes aren�t even close. I spent most of the day sanding down the pad under the canard almost back down to the top of the canard bulkhead and was able to get the pilot side bolt in. As for the co-pilots side it was very close but the only choice I had was to ream out the tab on the bottom of the canard and even then it is a very tight fit. I did manage to maintain level on the canard.