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Aug. 19, 2014 (Day 288) (Hours = 1575)
Well it�s my birthday and I celebrated with Murphy again. I wanted to do the lay-ups today but I had run out of peel ply so I waited until the fabric store opened only to find they did not have what I needed. I went back to the hangar and tried to mix a small batch of resin but the hardener had hardened. I managed to scrape it out into a container and submerge it on boiling water to bring it back to a nice runny condition only to find the pump had seized solid. I spent the rest of the day taking apart the hardener side of the pump and cleaning everything in acetone.
Aug. 20, 2014
Murphy and I are still having a good conversation as I managed to lose the pressure spring in the pump and had to borrow one out of a ball point pen and them enlarge it to the right size. After getting the pump back together I found it still would not allow the hardener to flow so I got out the instructions and noticed that the pivot point to the bottom of the hardener piston was supposed to be 2 �� and mine was 2 �� so I adjusted it to the correct measurement. Then if I pushed down on the handle and at the same time pushed down on the valve at the bottom of the hardener tank the pump would work correctly. I guess the valve is sticking and needs a helping hand to get started. Once working it works really well. I was now able to do the rear canard reinforcement lay-ups, clean up and go home. I did not want to do too much encase the hardener adjustment caused the resin not to setup.
P.S. Everything set up nicely.

8/27/2014   Picture 459

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