Sept. 30, 2013 (Day 191) (Hours = 1046) Since it is the last day of September I thought I would include the number of days of construction and number of hours worked so far (approximately). A good day as I laid another six pieces to support the three top pieces I had install last week and the last top piece on the co-pilot�s side. Just two more pieces to go and I will be ready to lay on the top strake on both sides.
Oct. 01, 2013 (Day 192) (Hours = 1050) For some unknown reason the top lay-up on the last baffle did not adhere and when I removed the foam pieces on either side of the baffle the fiberglass simply peeled off. This was not the desired effect I wanted so I started again by grinding out the Micro Slurry and laying it up again. I will see if the second time around worked the next time I am in the hangar. |