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All the parts I had ordered from Aircraft Spruce arrived so I started by replacing the one bolt that is too long and hits the back of the gear leg. However, I could not get the nut to start on the bolt, even after removing more material from the gear leg saddle. I found the washer was too thick so I replaced it with a thin washer but still could not get the bolt to start. It has been a VERY FRUSTRATING day as the bolt is on the outside of the fuselage and the nut is on the inside. I must have climbed in and out fifty times with nothing to show for my efforts.
Next day.
My sister and a mutual friend of ours came out to visit and see the plane. I had hoped that with their help I would be able to finally get the nut onto the bolt but no such luck. While I was waiting for their arrival I started to play with my new ELT (emergency locator transmitter) and I wanted to mount it right beside the header tank but found the floor slopes quite a bit so a little invention called pour foam solved the problem. I have only used pour foam once before and I do not know how much to mix together to yield a certain size of expansion. I started with once ounce of part A to one ounce of part B and poured it into a piece of poly plastic between the tank and the wire chase running along the fuselage. This quantity produced a loaf of solid foam one foot long and six inches high, just a little too much by about four inches. After taking a hack saw blade and cutting it down to size I have a perfect platform to cover and mount the ELT mounting bracket on.

11/22/2016   Picture 780

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